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Gaels In Bundy

Ladies Step Dance - 4R32 - 3 Couple Triangular Set.


Recommended music - Bobby Browns Canadian Breakdown.

Dance written by S.J.Oliver


Dance in 4 parts, with a chorus on bars 25-32 of each part.

Note the left hand dancers in a couple I will call ladies, the right hand dancer in a couple I will call men.


2 Chords; to corner, then to partner.


Part 1


1-4              All right coupe + pas de basque & left coupe + pas de basque.

5-6              All petronella in tandem round triangle.

7-8              All points, left, right, left, right.

9-16           Repeat bars 1-8

17-24         Repeat bars 1-8

25-32         Chorus - Brush right, brush right, brush left, brush left, high cuts; right, left right, left.

                                      Brush left, brush left, brush right, brush right, high cuts; left, right, left, right.


Part 2


1-4              Face partner (continuing in that direction for 16 bars), turn partner right hand 1.5 times, pass next dancer by right.

5-6              Pas de basque to next dancer.

7-10           Turn that dancers 1.5 times left hand, pass next dancer by left.

11-12         Pas de basque to next dancer.

13-16         Turn that dancer 1.5 times right hand, pass next dancer by right, back to original place.

17-24         Facing partner, all dance right shoulder reels of 3 around partner and corner.

25-32         Chorus.


Part 3


1-2              Ladies dance chain; right hands across 1 place to next man.

3-4              Ladies turn that man with left hand.

5-6              Ladies continue dancing chain; right hands across 1 place to next man.

7-8              Ladies turn that man left hand.

9-10           Ladies continue dancing chain; right hands across 1 place to next man. (Original partner).

11-12         Ladies turn partner left slowly to put him in position to start mens chain.

13-14         Men right hands across 1 place to next lady.

15-16         Men turn that lady left hand.

17-18         Men continue dancing chain; right hands across 1 place to next lady.

19-20         Men turn that lady left hand.

21-22         Men continue dancing chain; right hands across 1 place to next lady. (Original partner).

23-24         Men 1/2 turn by left hand to place.

25-32         Chorus.


Part 4


1-2             All pas de basque.

3-6             All right coupe + pas de baque, then left coupe + pas de basque. Ladies turn & face out on bar 6.

7-18           Schiellion reel for 3 couples, when passing in centre go into right hands across.

19-20        All pas de basque.

21-24        All right coupe + pas de basque, then left coupe + pas de basque.

25-32        Chorus.


Gaels in Bundy was named as a "take" on the 2 "Gail" dancers in Bundy.


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